četvrtak, 26. svibnja 2016.

BRCKO : DROP DEPARTMENT,FOREST PEOPLE & LUCKYDEE prvi izvodjaci na BiH Color Festivalu

Dragi naši, dok čekamo da se karte puste u prodaju, odlučili smo da vas malo bolje upoznamo sa izvođačima iz prve faze.

Stižu nam momci koji opako krče svoj put prema svjetskoj muzičkoj sceni u poslednje vrijeme, a oni su - Drop Department.


Alen Čustovic i Ademir Alibegović su DJ-evi/producenti koji nam stižu iz Sarajeva.
Traka ''Balkan'' bila je prva za koju su dobili podršku od najboljih DJ-eva u svijetu, a puštana je na Ultra Miami, EDC Las Vegas, TomorrowWorld, Ultra Europe i mnogim drugim svjetskim festivalima.Nedavno izdanje trake ''Bangalore'' na labelu Gregora Salta, steklo je veliku podršku i svirano je na poznatom podcastu Spinnin' Sessions.Osnivači su Sarajevo Dance Cartel - SDC gdje jednom mjesečno predstavljaju svoj rad sarajevskoj publici
Kao što vidite, ovi momci se ne šale, i najavljuju opaki show na mainstage-u u avgustu!

Lista izvođača koji su vrtili njihove trake:

DimitriVegas&LikeMike,Zedd,W&W,Blasterjaxx,TheChainsmokers,Kryder,Chuckie,Laidback,Luke,Carnage ,Borgore,Botnek,3LAU,Mercer,Ookay,Gregor Salto,Michael Woods,Tony Junior,VINAI

Hammer Stage : FOREST PEOPLE

Vrijeme je da vam predstavimo prvog izvođača na Hammer Stage-u. U pitanju je jedna od vodećih figura tehno scene u BiH, a to je Dragan Lakić, poznatiji kao Forest People.
Kao nagradu za sav njegov trud, doprinos i razvoj tehno scene u BiH, odlučili smo da mu povjerimo kompletan line up za Hammer stage, te će on biti glavni "krivac" za sva imena koja ćete slušati ove godine na istoimenom stage-u.
Forest People je poznat po tome što svu muziku koju čujete u njegovim setovima je baš njegova. Potpisao je mnoge trake za izdavačke kuće kao što su:
Planet Rhythm, Flash Recordings, Driving Forces, Tic Tac Toe, Credo i mnoge druge.
Dragan je baš zbog toga nastupao u skoro svim većim evropskim državama, kao što su Njemačka, Francuska, Austrija, Holandija, Portugal, itd... Čak je nedavno njegova muzika dospjela i do Južne Afrike.

Neki od klubova gdje je nastupao su:

Tresor (Berlin), Kantine Am Berghain (Berlin), Mamma Club (Lisbon), Respublica (Bordeaux), Panama (Amsterdam), Le Pigallion (Paris), And Club (Johannesburg) i mnogi drugi.
Zadovoljsto nam je imati ovu techno zvijezdu na našem festivalu!

Hammer Stage : LUCKYDEE

Drugi headliner za mainstage je LuckyDee, pionir crnogorske house scene.Poslije uspiješne saradnje sa violinistom Milošem Boškovićem, njihova traka "G" je dobija podršku od mnogih faca u muzičkoj industriji kao što su Freemasons, ATFC, Roger Sanchez, Marting Solveig, Tom Novy, Robbie Rivera, Mike Candy i Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano.
Kod njega ne postoji žanrovska barijera, ne ograničava se samo na jedan žanr. Iako najviše preferira zvuk kao što je deep house, funky house i progressive house, sudjelovao je u pravljenju hita "ReggaetonMontenegro" od poznatog crnogorskog sastava Who See.
Nastupao je na svim većim regionalnim festivalima poput:

Sea Dance, Refresh Festival, Spring Break Montenegro,Bedem Fest, Koktel Fest BG.

Rezident je u Mr. Stefan Braunu u Podrgorici, te u jednom od najpoznatijih klubova na Balkanu, a u pitanju je Trocadero, Budva.

Vise INFO uskoro!!! ....Pratite nas i budite u toku sa najvecim i najjacim FESTIVALOM u BiH.
Uskoro cemo dijeliti ULAZNICE koje cete moci osvojiti putem NAGRADNE IGRE koja ce biti objavljena na BHClubbing News.

Video : Najava BiH Color Festivala 12 & 13 Aug. 2016

                                                                  BHClubbing News

utorak, 24. svibnja 2016.

DOBOJ : Techno Night - Pete Board gostuje u Prvoj Srpskoj Pivnici

Kada spomenemo elektronsku muziku i grad Doboj nemozemo a da ne spomenemo i Prvu Srpsku Pivnicu,jer i Dobojlije kao i svi drugi obozavaoci elektronskog zvuka znaju gdje se rade dobre zabave.Naravno ima tu jos i drugih clubova i objekata ali PSP je postala sinonim za zurke do ranih jutarnjih sati.Ovaj put spremili su za vas pravu poslasticu,mada svaka zabava organizovana u PSP je bas to.Reci cemo da su za vas sada spremili nesto stvarno sto zadugo nije bilo u samom gradu.
Line-up poput ovog je vjerovali ili ne na svjetskom nivou.Imena koja ce vam se predstaviti i pocastiti vas svojim ritmovima  su na daleko poznata. Zato idemo redom ...!!!

Pete Board Bio :

If you’ve got as strong of convictions as Pete Board does when it comes to techno purism, then you’d better have the skills to back up your words. Fortunately for him, his ear for dark, introspective soundscapes coupled with his technical prowess both in the studio and behind the decks qualifies him to maintain such strong opinions.

Having been steeped in the Iowa techno scene (which itself took shape as early as the turn of the millennium), Board first began DJing in 2008 at house party gigs that he admits were little more than “showing up and trying to learn.” By 2011, though, he was spinning tunes professionally. He would go on to join a local crew called Subfix, affording him opportunities to play at such locations in and around Iowa City as Gabe’s, Blue Moose and Yacht Club while continuing to hone his craft.

However, a pivotal crossroads in Board’s DJ career arrived when he split with Subfix. As the outfit increasingly resigned itself to more mainstream styles of electronic music, he decided to leave the group so that he could exclusively play the house and techno at his roots.

The time that followed brought challenges as Board found himself practically starting over from scratch, but it wasn’t long before he successfully navigated the landscape of dance music’s more sophisticated side. In 2012, he formed a new crew called Mad Scientists Productions with DJ/producer Colin Cook. Their first event series went by the name of Beat Chemistry at the Yacht Club - but receiving recognition from local figure Mustafa Avdic would trigger the turning point that established him as a commodity on a greater scale.

Under his side project with Cook, Bebop Amalgamation, Board was booked to play Techno Revolution 2 - an official Movement pre party in 2014. He also relocated and started gigging in Colorado at SeifhauS’ 2Deep2Sleep series in addition to the numerous events comprising Chicago house legend Paul Anthony’s We Jack brand. Most recently he has joined the Urban Kickz Records team. In November of 2015, Mad Scientists Productions even made its Colorado debut with an event called Foundation at up-and-coming warehouse venue Ekō House in no small part due to Board’s vision and consistency.

In regards to his music itself, Board has delivered a respectable Kinesis Records debut with the tracks “Fool Me Once” and “Voices” - as well as upcoming releases on imprints such as A-Squared Muzik. His expert grasp of sound synthesis techniques equips him to build all of his own bass lines from scratch, and by running Tractor through a custom-mapped Akai APC 40 live controller and manipulating four decks at a time he’s able to incorporate live production lines into his DJ sets as well.

During a Pete Board performance, the groove is paramount. Dissonant melodies and cacophonous incidentals might make each mix a visceral exploration of the four-four format, but by counterbalancing them with sexy, danceable cuts he renders each successive track a new chapter in a journey through the subversive depths of the dark beat.

Mustafa Avdic Bio :

Mustafa Avdic became a producer only a short time ago but he has gained a huge place in the hearts of all very quickly. He has established a name for him self as a DJ and producer just as quick with his awesomely funky Techno and Electro House sets. This year he launched Solar Cathedral Recordings with production partner and fellow DJ, Matt Rissi. His latest relases on Zuvuya and Giant Squid have all hit the top 100 charts on beatport and juno. Touring many different places with in the first year of playing in the states. His releases have gained support from DJ's like Dave Clarke, Alex Bau, Woody Mcbride, Avex Axiom, Paco Osuna, Mihalis Safras, Mark Broom and more. Mustafa is surely one to keep your eyes on.

The names Mustafa and Iowa would never associate, but over the course of the past 10 years he has been responsible for, or directly involved in countless Techno music events organized in Iowa. Originally from Bosnia, Mustafa has managed to bond and nurture a flourishing Underground Dance Music scene in the state of Iowa, and he has garnered the full attention of fans and fellow DJs alike by performing to wild crowds across the Midwest in addition to releasing his own original music production.

Mustafa has released and remixed material for various music artists around the globe over the past 5 years. His career began in Des Moines, Iowa, but his DJ performance has taken him to stages across the Midwest, as well as the world. In 2007, he co-founded the first Techno music label in Iowa. Solar Cathedral Recordings successfully operated for three years and featured globally recognized releases and remixes from producers DJ Misjah, Woody McBride, Dustin Zahn, Mladen Tomic, M.Gervais, Dejan Milicevic, and many more.

In 2013, Mustafa helped form a new production company, Ekvilibrium. Ekvilibrium presents a diverse and well balanced group of artists, determined to bring professional and high quality events in Iowa.
Mustafa is a man of many talents, but he specializes in drawing a crowd and spinning them into a frenzy on the dance floor. His strength at working a crowd is a natural extension of his deep passion for making people dance. His energy is infectious; his love and enthusiasm are contagious! Anyone who experiences his performances will, no doubt, become a believer - not only in him, but also in Techno music!

Bojan Popovic Bio :

Bojan Popovic iz Teslica koji je svojim trudom i zalaganjem pokazao i dokazao kako se pravi i vrti techno muzika.2008 godine u svom rodnom gradu Teslicu pocinje da svira po lokalnim clubovima.

Nakon samo 2 godine sviranja,poceo je sam da radi produkciju da bi iste godine objavio svoj prvi EP pod nazivom "Sick Touch" koji je 6 juna 2011 izasao za "Alien Force Digital Label"

Do sada je napravio bezbroj Promo setova i izdao isto toliko track-a,nemozemo a da ne spomenemo neke od njih : Twanenga,Fading,Play with you,Aurorix,Reboxetine i jos mnogo drugih .....
Naravno napomenimo jos i to da je uradio dosta dobrih remix-a za neke od poznatijih DJ imena!!!!
Negov pravac(zanr) je TECHNO,TECH HOUSE i MINIMAL....Ucestvovao je na nekoliko Festivala u BiH,a vecina njegovih setova vrtila je se po mnogim poznatim Radio                                                                           postajama.Trenutno ima izdatih preko 40 track-a i remix-a

I sta nam jos preostaje nego da vam predstavimo dva Mix Mag-a domacina,dva covjeka koji su zasluzni i koji su pokretaci i glavni stubovi elektronske scene u Doboju : 

    Davor Davidovic - Word

        Ismar Vehabovic

Lokacija  : 
Prva Srpska Pivnica  - DOBOJ
  Vidovdanska bb

BHClubbing News

nedjelja, 22. svibnja 2016.

LUKAVAC : 05.Juli MIPPI LAKE w / Industrialyzer

Kao grom iz vedra neba u reziji MIIPI.REC koji su se nakon kratke pauze napokon probudili samo ovaj put spremniji kao nikad do sad odlucili su da vam prirede pravi šok.Ni manje ni vise ovo ce da bude zabava koja ce se prenostiti generacijama.

Odabir lokacije i line-up koji je MIIPI ovaj put spremio za vas slobodno mozemo reci da je ravan svjetskim eventim-a.Ljetna sezona,priroda,jezero,bikini i techno stage su glavni aduti koji ce vas 05.07.2016 dovesti pravo u Lukavac na Bistaracko Jezero.
A sta,odnosno koga je MIIPI pripremo za vas da vas svojim ritmovima drzi budne i na nogama do ranih jutarnjih sati na plaži Bistarackog jezera donosimo u kratkim crtama .....

Industrialyzer Bio : 

Ricardo Rodrigues aka Industrialyzer, son of a musician, was born and raised in Lisbon, Portugal. At an early age of 14, inspired by his father’s profession, he started taking guitar classes. Two intense years later, he would already give classes in scales and music theory to young talent. Over the years to come, Ricardo joined several bands and performed at bars, concerts and festivals.

At the age of 17 he would discover his true love to be electronic music. Starting as a bedroom DJ, he gradually started performing in Portuguese clubs as well. In 2000, Ricardo moves to The Netherlands to take a course in electronic music production. Amazed by the local techno scene, the decision to be made was quite simple: he decided to stay. New doors would open in 2003, when he became second at the I Love Techno DJ contest, and then again in 2005, by winning the Dance Parade Rotterdam DJ contest.

Parallel, Ricardo was also busy producing. He advanced and refined his sound, which didn’t come unnoticed. In 2007 also Cisco Ferreira aka The Advent discovers Ricardo’s talent. Not too long after that, Cisco releases Ricardo’s tracks on his Kombination Research imprint, followed by releases and remixes for artists like A. Paul, The Advent, Sven Wittekind, Christian Fischer and DJ Murphy. Towards the end of 2007, Cisco, Ricardo and a fellow friend Paulo Gomes start the CodeWorks label, which would with its first release immediately prove to be successful—selling out in one week. This new motivation pushed towards a new project: The Advent vs Industrialyzer.

With current releases on Drumcode, as well as the upcoming releases on MB Electronics, Beat Disaster, Theory, etc., the duo has a promising future, just as does Industrialyzer solo.

Shi pe Bio :

Anđelko Šipuš also known as DJ Shipe was born in Koprivnica on 19th of Ferbruary in 1986. Ever since his early age he has shown a great interest in music and in 2001 he finally enjoys listening to his first CD with anthology music sets of Umek, Billy Nasty and Dave Clarke. Later on, he starts to enter the world of electronic music by attending various electronic parties. In 2005 he began to play with turntables and little by little collecting records which helped him to improve his abilities daily. In 2007 he arranges his very first gigs in the most famous night clubs of Koprivnica. In 2009 he initiates a serial of parties named ”Deep N’ Chic” whose main goal was to revive the electronic scene in the northwest Croatia.

Today he is the resident of the Future Scope association which is active in organisation and promotion of the electronic underground scene and cooperates with the most known names of the electronic scene. His performances reflect a lot of positive energy to the audience and he is very adjustable to his audience with his excellent song selection which is based on groovy techno sound.
He is very fond of the solid modern techno sound with massive bass lines and unaviodable funky rhythm. His sets which consist of the freshest track selection can indubitably make you dance.
You can also hear him play a bit gently tech house which is presented monthly at Gjuro2 club in his own programme called partymarathon.

Actual verification of his qualities was a gig with the world’s famous DJ, Carl Cox, in 2011 at Dubrovnik and at official afterparties with Christian Varela, Marco Bailey, Jon Rundell, Kaiserdisco. He also performed with Dave Clarke, DJ Rush, Cristian Varela, Marco Bailey, Steve Rachmad, Industiralyzer, Mauro Picotto, Alexander Kowalski, Eric Sneo, Billy Nasty, Tom Hades, Jon Rundell, Axel Karakasis, Valentino Kanzyani, Oxia, Toni Rios, Mladen Tomic, Hollen, Jack De Marseille, etc

                                                                      DJ JOCK Bio :

Stipe Škokić aka Dj Jock was born in Split,30.1.1992.At the age of 14 he started listening hard techno and schranz,and soon after that he bought his first dj equipment.He had his first gigs at private and birthdays partys.At the age of 16 he was already playing in many caffe bars in Split.First he was playing hard techno and schranz,but today he prefers groovy and funky tech house and techno.The 2009 year was very important to him.He became a resident dj in Pineta beach bar.There he played with the most famous djs from all over the world(Tomcraft,Terry Francis,Ladida,Niki Belucci,Gramophonedzie,Funkerman,Marshall Jefferson...).

Soon after that he was invited to play at many other clubs and places.At the age of 18 he started his own production and few months later he got his first release called Colombian lines EP for Debuger records.He was also playing at Boogaloo club in Zagreb with Tomcraft. Played with:Tomcraft,Terry Francis,Ladida,Niki Belucci, Gramophonedzie,Funkerman,Marshall Jefferson,Viktoria Metzker,Pero Fullhouse,Luka Jakir,Ante Jakir,Edy C,Zorro,Merry... Played at:Pineta beach bar(residency 2009,2010)(Brist) ,Boogaloo(Zagreb),Kocka(Split),Murrall(Split),Paradiso(Split),Music is our desteny fest(Šibenik),Beach partys(Vinišće,Poljica).....

Da ce ovo da bude carobna noc pod vedrim nebom i noc za pamcenje potvrdjuje cinjenica da pored gore navedenih DJ-ova,support za ovaj dogadjaj cine isto veoma kvalitetna imena, a za koje smijemo slobodno reci da su priznata i cijenjena u regionu pa cak i van regiona.

Ovaj put za sve vas koji volite i podrzavate Elektronsku scenu MIIPI.REC dovodi neprikosnoveni dvojac koji ce za vas spremiti nesto velicanstveno.Daleko poznati kako u regionu tako i van njega ova dva Mag-a znaju svoj posao odraditi na profesionalan nacin kako su to radili i do sada.Njihova muzika i ritmovi nece vam dati mira cijelu noc. Naravno tu su : 

                                            IVAN RADOJEVIC (031REPUBLIC) 
                                                           GOYA (FUNPRO4)


                       # SUPPORT DJs :            

                * GORAN EMKIC
                * DAVOR.B
                * EDUY
                * BLACK ACID 
                * LOW CAST
                * FACHO
                * ADOT
                * CHIKO
                  * BEN GANG

                     BHClubbing News