petak, 13. svibnja 2016.

SARAJEVO : BASSEXUAL / BDay Technology Session - House Club Sarajevo

Opet Sarajevo i opet dobra zabava.Nakon odlicne zabave prije mjesec dana u reziji ekipe VERI GUD NAJS kada su nas pocastili sa neprekosnovenim METODI HRISTOV-om,ovaj put na lokalnom nivou u House Clubu Sarajevo ocekuje nas zaista fin provod. O cemu se zapravo radi :

Za sve ljubitelje dobrog zvuka i odlicnih ritmova organizatori su  pripremili vrhunski lajn ap, koji ce predstaviti beskompromisni zvuk i dovesti atmosferu do usijanja, jer se radi o ljudima koji djeluju i prashe na vise strana. Radi se o rezidentima Lunar Festivala iz ZENICE, Night club Neretva iz MOSTARA, Urban Beatz Lounge Bara iz TUZLE i Samoples / Music & Organisation iz SARAJEVA.

Mi vas pozivamo takodje i na Slavenov rodjendan kao i rodjendan svih vas koji budete slavili taj dan, sto ce nabrijati na pozitivnu atmosferu i izmamiti nam keeez od uha do uha. Ulaz ili podrska artistima ce cinit simbolicnih 5 KM, tako da vas ocekujemo vesele, nasmijane, i spremne za ples. 


Ovim putem ekipa BHclubbing News-a zeli nasem - Slaven Locust / Low Cast SRETAN RODJENDAN  i sve najbolje u zivotu i da nam i dalje nastavi praviti ovakve zabave i edukuje mladje generacije  uvodeci ih u svijet elektronske muzike.

                                           Pogledajte video : 



- Erocki Program / Urban Beatz Lounge Bar - TUZLA
- Slaven Locust / Low Cast / Samoples / Music & Organisation - SARAJEVO
- DJ Davor B. x Adot / Lunar Festival, Control Music - ZENICA
- Chiko / Night club Neretva - SARAJEVO

  LOKACIJA: House Club Sarajevo / Pecina Toplik, Bentbasa - SARAJEVO

  DATUM: 20.05. / 22:00


srijeda, 11. svibnja 2016.

BiH Color Festival - Prva faza lineup-a zavrsena.Pogledajte ko je zaduzen za dobar provod!!

Da se organizatori COLOR FESTIVALA ne sale govori i to da su u najkracem mogucem roku uspijeli sastaviti line-up za prvu fazu Festivala koja ce se odrzati 12 i 13 Augusta u Brckom.

Ovim putem s ponosom vam predstavljamo line- up za prvu fazu :

Za prvu godinu pripremili smo 2 stage-a:

Mainstage (Mainstream, EDM)

* Drop Department
* LuckyDee
* Zap Me Strobe
* Miloš Stankić

Hammer stage (deep/tech/techno)

* Kristina Lalic
* Goran Emkic
* Forest People

Za 2 dana festivala, imaćete priliku da čujete preko 30 DJeva iz cijele bišve Jugoslavije! Festivalske i dnevne karte ćete moći uskoro kupiti preko sajta u cijeloj državi.

Napomena: Boje nisu štetne po zdravlje, niti ostavljaju nikakve trajne tragove na garderobi. Za one koji ne žele da budu obojeni ta 2 dana, biće VIP prostor sa posebnim pogodnostima, ali i cijenama karata.
Takođe, želimo napomenuti da prednost imaju producenti, te mlađi DJ-evi koji rade dobro svoj posao, a nemaju priliku da predstave svoj rad na najbolji mogući način.

Uskoro ćemo objaviti i zvanične informacije vezane za festival, i objaviti line-up za 2 fazu.

BHClubbing News

utorak, 10. svibnja 2016.

Predstavljamo vam "STEREO SEKTOR" Šta?? Tko??

  O nama : 

Mi smo STEREO SEKTOR. Počeli smo kao neformalna grupa da se okupljamo prije desetak godina. Uvidjevši da smo previše ozbiljni i spremni za mnogo veće stvari koje podrazumjevaju inovativnost, muziku, video, internet, umejtnost i edukaciju te iskustva nakon underground projekata ELEKTRIČNA ŠUMA , ELEKTRIČNI PODRUM stvorili su priliku da samostalno krenemo u akciju... Sednemo i registrujemo se kao udruženje građana. Kako bi ostali future proof u onome što radimo i što ćemo tek raditi, došli smo do naziva udruženja “STEREO SEKTOR / ime koje obuhvata sve ono čime se bavimo, što volimo i što nas inspiriše.


Ukratko, grupa mladih ljudi okupljena oko ideje unapređenja elektronske muzike i kulture, ponude i promovisanja domaće i regionalne muzičke scene.. Cilj da pokažemo da se muzički događaji mogu organizovati na drugačiji način, da mogu ponuditi dodatni sadržaj i biti zaokruženi u jednu kvalitetnu cjelinu .Naši projekti nisu ograničeni mjestom i prostorom tako da cemo partyanerima uvijek ponuditi vrhunske zabave uz ne svakidašnje lokacije.

Kako funkcionišemo?

U organizaciji ne postoji klasična hijerarhija nadređenih i podređenih,, za normalno funkcionisanje organizacije postoje i stalne uloge poput kordinatora, project manager-a ili menadžera za finansije koji obavljaju tekuće zadatke. 

Info /

  Co-Founder/Project Lead :
     Co-Founder/Booking Manager :
    •                             E-Pošta
    •                     Web stranica

ČAPLJINA : Electronic underground Presents - Open Air Party - Back 2 Dance

                             ** Electronic underground Presents **

                                           Kupaliste BUK - Grabovine,Čapljina
                                              "Open Air Party - Back 2 Dance"
                                                         SUBOTA 18.Juni

Prošlogodišnji Summer Closing Party nam je dokazao da ovaj predivni prostor ima energiju koja je potrebna svima nama, energija o kojoj su svi pričali i još uvijek pričaju.
Priroda, rijeka, ljeto, glazba, pozitivna energija, vrhunsko gostoprimstvo su samo jedni od mnogih razloga zbog kojeg ne smijete propustiti ovaj veliki događaj.
Ove godine idemo još jače, žešće, i spremnije 

smile emotikon
Za Warm up su zaduženi Toni Montana i Mario Prskalo.
Ekipa za DJ pultom neće vas razočarati jer smo se iskreno potrudili predstaviti vam ovu divnu petorku :


START : 21:00h UPAD : 10KM

LUKAVAC : MDF @ ELEKTRIČNI PODRUM w / D.R.N.D.Y. - Trazi se karta više za ovaj dogadjaj.

Dovoljno je ELEKTRIČNI PODRUM i svima je jasno o čemu se radi.Prava Underground lokacija za prave ljubitelje elektronske muzike.Jos kad tome dodamo neka od imena koja ce 14.Maja dati sve od sebe da udovolje svim ukusima zaljubljenicima elektronike onda je to pun pogodak.

DMF ili Music Difference Festival naziv je ovog projekta koji se po prvi put pojavljuje na nasim prostorima.DMF je prvi projekat koji pored dobre zabave i druzenja ima zadatak pomoći DJECI S POSEBNIM POTREBAMA.

Ovaj put DMF u saradnji sa STEREO SEKTOR spremio je za vas pravu poslasticu ili bolje receno devet poslastica u kojoj ce se pronaci za svakoga po nesto.
14.05.2016 (Subota) u 22:00 vrata ELEKTRICNOG PODRUMA biti ce otvorena za sve vas koji zelite biti dio ovog slobodno mozemo reći HUMANITARNOG PARTY-a,za kojeg ce biti potrebno izdvojiti simboličnih 5KM koje ce biti namjenjene "Djeci sa posebnim potrebama"

Devet razloga zašto ne propustiti ovaj dogadjaj : 

1. D.R.N.D.Y

D.R.N.D.Y - Biography

As a kid D.R.N.D.Y always loved to enjoy in all kinds of music. In 2013. he decided to make his first steps in world of music! Hard work, love and dedication with every day since then helped him to make his unique style which he present today! In his sets you can hear from Detroit to power melodic modern Techno! His production is bigger with every day, tracks signed on some of the most powerful labels on the world such as Phobiq, Driving Forces, Renesanz, Evolution, Selected, Loose Records and many more...

That he is seriously big talent showing that his music is supported by some of the best techno djs in the world, Richie Hawtin, Sam Paganini, Alan Fitzpatrick, Adam Beyer, Marco Carola, Joseph Capriati,Marco Bailey, Adrian Hour, Maceo Plex are just some of them!
Keep your eyes on this amazing artist!

General Enqueries/ Promos/ Bookings:

EDUY - Biography

Edis Mehmedović a.k.a. Eduy is a Bosnian producer, dj and remixer based in Lukavac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He has been into electronic music for 13 years now, first as a dj in local clubs and later grew into passionate producer.
His music is signed by different record houses and a few more releases are coming out very soon.
Eduy has also made a few outstanding remixes for different record houses showing deep tendency for originality.

Progressive, Tech house and Techno are the styles that Eduy likes to create and combine and his production shows a deep and unique music which only a truly artistic mind can create. One can hear strong tech elements in his music fulfilled with gentle house tunes that together create endless possibilities of Eduy's musical production.

                                                        Eduy has played with many DJs.
                               He spends a lot of time creating new music where he sees success.


Adnan Jakubovic was born in 1986 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jakubovic's first interests in electronic music started at the beginning of the 2000 when he bought his first CD by a British band The Prodigy "Music For Jilted Generation". Back then, still at high school, he started showing interest in new bands, DJs, producers of different music genres, but all connected to this particular style he liked. He started listening to bands such as Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Tool, Moby, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers and a pioneer of Bosnian electronic scene Adi Lukovac.

As the time went by, Jakubovic showed more interest in electronic music, so in 2004 at the age of seventeen, he attended his first techno party ever with Chris Liebing in Arion Club in Tuzla. Since then, he regularly visited parties and festivals.

Growing up in a small town in which there were no interests and popularity in electronic music, he managed to grow strong feelings towards this particular music genre and his love is still there. Jakubovic's first DJ experiences started in 2009 as a member of a local boy band in his town, and the following year brought him participation in two smaller festival events in Lukavac and Gračanica. In the same year, Jakubovic decided to make his first program for music production, and ever since, he never shut it down.

 Today, Jakubovic has over 50 publications at Beatport and other digital shops. His production is usually described as original since it is a combination of progressive house sounds interwoven with trance elements, almost never missing from his records.

The followings are only some of the significant publishers Jakubovic has worked with: DAR Digital, Mistique Music, Carica Records, OLD SQL Recording, Usessions Records, Mystic Carousel Records, 6913 Digital, Balkan Connection and many

                                        MDF @ ElektriČni Podrum, 14.05.2016.


                                               Posted :  BHClubbing News

ponedjeljak, 9. svibnja 2016.

TUZLA : Valentino Kanzyani i Kristijan Molnar stizu na "arTz Open Air Party & Pannonica Summer Season Opening"

Pannonica i arTz Festival po drugi puta predstavljaju popularni muzički događaj: „arTz Open Air Party". Događaj će se održati na jedinstvenoj turističkoj atrakciji Tuzle - Kompleksu slanih jezera „Pannonica“ - plato Vrtić, kao dio manifestacije svečanog otvaranja ljetnje turističke sezone na Panonici. 

Atraktivna lokacija, prirodni ambijent slanih jezera, vrhunska scenska i audio produkcija, Burn & Tuborg fun zone obećavaju nezaboravan događaj koji polako postaje jedan od bitnijih regionalnih muzičkih festivala i nezaobilazna destinacija za poklonike najboljeg provoda .

Trend vrhunskih muzičkih nastupa podižemo na još viši nivo, a fantastičan line up u samoj najavi garantuje pravi spektakl:

• Valentino Kanzyani | Slovenia
*Jesus Loves You | Cadenza*

• Kristijan Molnar | Belgrade, Srbija

• DJ Joma Maja | Banja Luka, BiH
*Burn Residency*

 G. Edd | Zenica, BiH
*Control Music*

• BORG, DJ / Producer | Tuzla, BiH
*Burn Residency*

• DJ Doaman & Soole | Tuzla, BiH

Ulazi na istočnoj strani Panonike (Benzinska pumpa INA) će biti otvoreni od 20:00 sati.

**Ulaznice u pretprodaji po cijeni od 10KM dostupne su u sistemu širom BH , a na dan zabave cijena ulaznice iznosit će 15KM. na ulazu u Panoniku. Broj ulaznica je ograničen!**

Vidimo se i želimo Vam odličan provod!•

URBAN RESISTANCE IV : U Brckom se sprema velika LUDNICA

Da Brčko postaje jedna od glavnih destinacija elektronske muzike pokazuje i to da 20-tog Maja ove godine u organizaciji AP Multimedija koji po četvrti put organizuje URBAN RESISTANCE IV.
Ovaj put u goste dolaze: LAG,FOREST PEOPLE,SYMONSICK,DAVOR GVOZDE i kao domacin odlicni SAŠA RADIĆ.

Naravno da nikoga od njih netreba posebno predstavljati...jer svi koji vole ovaj pravac upoznati su  sa tim ko su ovi momci i kakve su zabave u pitanju kad oni sviraju.

LAG Bio :

A promoter of the underground culture, a DJ and a respected producer - Serbian-born Lag is the on the forefront of the new wave of techno artists.

A promoter of the underground culture, a DJ and a respected producer - Serbian-born Lag is the on the forefront of the new wave of techno artists.

It is easy to notice from his sound that he did not take the usual route on his musical journey. He grew up on punk, acquired a classical education in music and then quit it all to find himself enchanted by the possibilities of expressing oneself both through DJing and making electronic music. He chose techno to be the host for his creative discharge, while always incorporating a certain dosage of his previous musical life to his current work. Grit, rhythm and attitude are his main tools as he blends them into his music, creating a potent combination which enchants, moves and unifies.

Lag’s DJ performances on the Exit festival’s main DJ stage, and the legendary Tresor club speak volumes of his ability to engage his crowd, and offer an intense sonic experience. Through his DJ sets, as well as through workshops and events he organized and promoted under the umbrella of his organization 29524, Lag put efforts into closing the gap between the “good” and the “known”. Since then his promotional activities have reduced, and his focus moved to delivering extremely functional DJ sets, but also on creating and releasing original music, mostly in the techno genre. After several appearances and releases, predominantly on the Serbian label Teskoba, his remix of Grovskopa’s “Atopic” is released on vinyl by Sect Records. He follows it up with his first EP named “Stutter”, a highly acclaimed release which came out on the notoriously uncompromising Singularity Recordings, and his latest outputs, 12” releases on MORD Records named “Misfit EP” and "Fiend EP", underline the quality and uniqueness of his already recognizable sound.

Lag is set to stay on his current path as his mission, his initial vision, is yet to flicker. His ruthless determination is awe inspiring, and is, along with his musical prowess, the main reason for his rising popularity. Lag is definitely someone to keep an eye on, but more importantly - someone to listen to. After all, as he frequently states, “it’s all about the music”.

LAG (Novi Sad, SRB)   /// Mord /// Teskoba ///


Forest People is the alter ego of young deejay and producer from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dragan Lakic. Born and raised in the small town of Prnjavor, Dragan first got in touch with electronic music trough a friend who gave him an album of Mauro Picotto. His interest in techno and minimal music grew fast and he soon discovered the beautiful world of electronic music. After some parties Dragan got to know the right people and started mixing records in 2004, and soon playing in few towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It did not take long before Dragan started producing tunes and soon proving to be a natural talent, his techno is starting to get recognition from deejays and producers from all around the world. Dragan Lakic aka Forest People has released music on many different labels,to name few of them: Resopal Schallware, Nachtstrom Schallplatten, DMOM, Darknet, Labrynth, Planet Rhythm, 43Recordings, Sick Weird Rough, Genesa, Brood Audio, Frequenza, Capsula, Driving Forces...

As a DJ he played in Tresor,Berlin (Germany), Respublica, Bordeaux (FRANCE), Sirup, Zagreb (CROATIA), K4, Ljubljana (SLOVENIA), Royal Bambi, Dortmund (GERMANY), Empire, Bratislava (SLOVAKIA), Baby'O, Ilz (AUSTRIA), DFK, Banja Luka (BIH), Totem, Maxeville (FRANCE)...

His music is supported by Chris Liebing, Len Faki, Paco Osuna, Technasia,  Alex Bau, Richie Hawtin, Dubfire, Umek, Axel Karakasis, Paul Ritch, Davide Squillace, Erphun, Shin Nishimura, Drumcomplex, Snello, Fallhead, Roland M Dill, Anderson Noise,  Autistic, A. Paul, Tomy DeClerque, Virgyl Enzinger, Mark Morris and others.His music is supported by Chris Liebing, Len Faki, Technasia,  Alex Bau, Erphun, Shin Nishimura, Drumcomplex, Snello, Fallhead, Roland M Dill, Anderson Noise,  Autistic, A. Paul, Tomy DeClerque, Virgyl Enzinger, Mark Morris, Octave, Rennie Foster...



Symonsick is talent from Belgrade Serbia, motivation for dealing with Techno he finds in understanding dissimilarity of it, then wide possibilities and imparity of energy wich are actuators for maintain wishes and mood to achieve goal and experience, as well as his need to be unique. Behind him he are years of listening and collecting material and experiences that are basis for the things which will follow – revealing other dimensions and spaces where his freedom is his guide for creating personal experience of sound, and his wish to manage with that sound on his own way through long mixes compiled of hypnotic

Background dark-underground sound based on TECHNO. 'BHL' is an investigative character that spreads through podcasts called ''The Challenge Series''. On every 1st and 15th of the month will be published one podcast.The search for a different perspective of sound and energy makes this project endless for artists who do not want to be like the most. Push the limits more, let everyone hear what they can do and know. 'BHL' created by SYMONSICK. 'BHL' has the ambition to promote underground sound, bring together people with similar interests, different experiences, and strong ears that recognize the value in things. 'BHL' is a lot of people and only one body, one energy that we call TECHNO. So use the energy to move the body and the people around you which you are part of.



Rođeni Zeničanin, svoje prve DJ korake napravio je sa 17 godina puštajući ploče po lokalnim klubovima. U međuvremenu je njegova karijera uznapredovala, te je nastupao širom BiH i Hrvatske, dijeleći binu sa mnogim poznatim imenima kao što su Marko Nastić, Dejan Milićević, Petar Dundov, Miss Sunshine, Viktorija Rebeka itd. Omiljeni nastup mu je u klubu Aquarius na ostrvu jadranskom ostrvu Pag.Do sada je izdao oko dvadesetak izdanja i remiksa, uglavnom u digitalnom formatu,

 Njegove numere su se našle na top listama poznatih svjetskih DJ-va poput Shinedoe, Dandi & Ugo, Tomy DeCleruque, Siweil itd. Ove godine, Saša je pokrenuo i svoju izdavačku kuću - Music Cell Records za koju uskoro izlazi prvo izdanje.Cell Records će biti otvoren za različite stilove, od ambijenta do drum and bass-a tako da možemo očekivati mnoga iznenađenja u budućnosti. Kada je u pitanju Sašin DJ stil, on ga opisuje kao težak, spor i pomalo čudan, a osnova je deep house, techouse i deep techno ..




 DAVOR GVOZDEN (Gračanica, BiH) /// AP /// MIPII RECORDS ///
