četvrtak, 19. svibnja 2016.

SREBRENIK : Adnan Jakubovic gostuje u Clubu "ENIGMA"

Da Club ENIGMA zna organizovat dobre zabave svjedoci i samo gostovanje ADNANA JAKUBOVICA poznatog i priznatog DJ i Producenta koji se zadnje vrijeme strahovito probija i van granica nase regije.
Mnogi ljubitelji elektronskog zvuka dobro znaju ko je ON i kakve zvukove proizvodi.Naravno da ce vas Adnan uvjek ostaviti bez daha,a uz njegove ritmove ostat cete na nogama do ranih jutarnjih sati.

Zato 21.Maj.2016 od 19:00h bilo bi dobro da navrnete u Club ENIGMA i sami se uvjerite u caroliju i magicne zvuke koje vam je Adnan pripremio za tu noc.

Uzimajuci u obzir da je prije svega 5 dana u Lukavcu u sklopu "Music Different Festival-a" MDF sa ostalim kolegama jednostavno zapalio "Undeground Elektricni Podrum" i gdje jednostavno ljubiteljima elektronske muzike nije dao da dodju do zraka.


Adnan Jakubovic was born in 1986 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jakubovic's first interests in electronic music started at the beginning of the 2000 when he bought his first CD by a British band The Prodigy "Music For Jilted Generation". Back then, still at high school, he started showing interest in new bands, DJs, producers of different music genres, but all connected to this particular style he liked. He started listening to bands such as Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Tool, Moby, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers and a pioneer of Bosnian electronic scene Adi Lukovac.

As the time went by, Jakubovic showed more interest in electronic music, so in 2004 at the age of seventeen, he attended his first techno party ever with Chris Liebing in Arion Club in Tuzla. Since then, he regularly visited parties and festivals.

Growing up in a small town in which there were no interests and popularity in electronic music, he managed to grow strong feelings towards this particular music genre and his love is still there. Jakubovic's first DJ experiences started in 2009 as a member of a local boy band in his town, and the following year brought him participation in two smaller festival events in Lukavac and Gračanica. In the same year, Jakubovic decided to make his first program for music production, and ever since, he never shut it down.

Today, Jakubovic has over 50 publications at Beatport and other digital shops. His production is usually described as original since it is a combination of progressive house sounds interwoven with trance elements, almost never missing from his records.

The followings are only some of the significant publishers Jakubovic has worked with: DAR Digital, Mistique Music, Carica Records, OLD SQL Recording, Usessions Records, Mystic Carousel Records, 6913 Digital, Balkan Connection and many

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BRCKO : Distrikt Invazija - Sve spremno za sutrasnji URNEBES

Jedno je sigurno,a to je da ce sutra Distrikt Brcko biti preplavljen pratijanerima svih uzrasta.Nemozemo a da ne spomenemo AP MULTIMEDIA organizaciju koja ce biti glavni krivac sto ce se sutra u samo jezgro grada sliti mladež iz svih dijelova Bosne i Hercegovine.

Ako se samo prijestimo URBAN RESISTENCE I,II i III onda ce vjerujemo to biti dovoljno da se bez razmishljanja sutra svi uputimo ponovo u Distrikt samo sto ovaj put moramo da napomenemo radi se o Clubu CUBE koji se nalazi u centru grada,a ne kao do sada na Bazenima Brčko.Sve u svemu ni ovaj put nece faliti ni druzenja ni pozitive a bogami ni dobre muzike.

Jos da napomenemo da su nam organizatori za ovaj put pripremili  nesto malo je reci ODLIČNO!!!
LAG,FOREST PEOPLE,SYMONSICK,DAVOR GVOZDEN i SAŠA RADIĆ su imena koja su zaduzena za dobru atmosferu do ranih jutaranjih sati.

                                  AP : https://www.facebook.com/AP-1474248376186213/

                                                    BHClubbing News


srijeda, 18. svibnja 2016.

SARAJEVO : Nakon odlicnog nastupa u Lukavcu i Zagrebu,D.R.N.D.Y gostuje u Sarajevskom House Clubu PECINA

Prije nekoliko dana kada je u Lukvacu u "Elektricnom Podrumu" i Zagrebackom "Aquariusu" svojim nastupom D.R.N.D.Y  naprosto izbezumio sve ljubitelje elektronskog zvuka ovoga puta isto to ce da ucini u Sarajevkom House Club-u PECINA gdje ce 03.06.2016 djeliti  pult sa jos nekoliko Sarajevskih imena.

Nakon aprilske pauze prvo smo se vezali u Lancanu reakciju domino 12 u kojoj je ekipa na petak 13 na krilima odlicne atmosfere premjerno najavila otvaranje domace tikete "mTechno Records".Svecano otvorenje i promocija mTechno Records kao brenda uz prigodne poklone za zvanice odrzat ce se u petak 03 Juna u House Clubu (Pecina) sa pocetkom od 22:00h.
Ovu svecanost uvelicati ce nam svima svojim prvim nastupom u Sarajevu ikada nas gost D.R.N.D.Y.

D.R.N.D.Y nam stize sa juga Srbije i predstavit ce se trakom "My Way" koja zvanicno izlazi na prvom oficijelnom izdanju mTechno Recordsa pod nazivom "Chapter I". D.R.N.D.Y je sa svojim izdanjima vec uveliko skrenuo paznju na svoju rad, te je redovan gost u klubovima u regionu, a u Sarajevo nam stize poslje nastupa u Zagrebackom, Aquarijusu.
Njegova izdanja potpisuju labeli kao sto su Phobiq Sashe Carassija, Agile Recordings Uto Karema, Renesanz i mnogih drugih, dok njegove trake podrzavaju i pustaju na svojim nastupima imena kao sto su:
Richie Hawtin, Sam Paganini, Alan Fitzpatrick, Adam Beyer, Marco Carola,Joseph Capriati,Marco Bailey, Adrian Hour, Maceo Plex.

Nastup D.R.N.D.Y-a i promociju labela uvelicat ce i domaci dio mTechno Rostera na celu sa idejnim tvorcem i pokretacem cijele ove price Wordom koji ce predstaviti svoje prvi track na mTechno Records pod nazivom "Inevitable" koja je vec stekla simpatije domace ali i regionalne publike.Prije pomenutog dvojca na zagrijavanju nastupit ce: Okeli, Drzneday koji ce se na labelu predstaviti sa izdanjem "Shuffler", dok ce event zatvoriti: Rectoor i Vontech. 
Vontech ce se predstaviti takodje odmah na prvom izdanju sa izvrsnom techno voznjom pod nazivom"Ruinous" dok ce se Rectoor predstaviti sa trakom "Malism"

Full Line up:

(>) Okeli | mTechno

(>) Drzneday | mTechno

(>) D.R.N.D.Y (SRB) | mTechno

(>) Worda | mTechno

(>) Vontech | mTechno

(>) Rectoor | mTechno

Gdje: House Club (Pecina-Toplik) Sarajevo

Kad: 03-06-2016

Start: 22:00h

Upad + Konzumacija = 10BAM

BHClubbing News

SARAJEVO : TECHNO kraljica ponovo u Sarajevu

Da je Sarajevo ostavilo trag na kraljici TECHNO scene saznajemo da legendarna FATIMA HAJJI po drugi put dolazi u Sarajevo.Ovoga puta My Face & Connect u zajednickom pohodu pokušat ce prirediti nešto sto ce ljubitelje ove muzike ostaviti bez daha.Ovaj put za vas su pripremili  jedan od najjačih sound systema, sa nevjerovatnom snagom i čistoćom zvuka koji će vas i više nego oduševiti.

Fatima Hajji Bio : 

If you were born with electricity and a real punch running through the veins, then you’d know it is impossible to let them just on the inside. You must allow all that flow escape to the outside. That is exactly what has happened and still happens with Fatima Hajji, she was born with those qualities. Every time she gets on stage in front of an audience or locks herself in the recording studio, she transmits it with extreme facility. She possesses a great talent on selecting club music (muscled electronic sounds), good skills in the mix, etc. It is especially remarkable when she is confronting a packed dance floor when the 'magic button light’ goes on leading an innate symbiosis with the crowd. Big time!

Young DJ, composer and entrepreneur girl (she runs her own platforms Taikatta –not only a record label but also a radio show exported to half of the world- and Standbite Music). Fátima, Spanish by birth but with Arab origins is a confessed lover of nature and animals, as well as striking colours… and of course, she’s in steadfast love of a fireproof music genre like Techno. From its analogue and classical roots – she’s specialist in bringing up her deep African origins- through more contemporary sounds, including Techno-house. She stands for freshness, audacity and                                                             ruthless grooves, ideal medicine for having fun.

Despite her youth, Fatima Hajji has led the dance music scene for nearly two decades now. Step by step she has managed wisely to establish herself as an artist, not only in Spain but also in the rest of Europe. To name some festivals (from a longer list) where she has performed: Awakenings, Decibel, Free Your Mind (The Netherlands); Tomorrowland, Liberty White (Belgium); Toxicator, Electric City (Germany); Monegros, Electrobeach, Aquasella, Medusa, Electrosonic, Weekendbeach, 4Every1 (Spain); Eco Festival (Slovenia), Elektrobotik (France), Opera (Italy) ... It is also impossible to ignore she has been on the decks of clubs like the legendary Tresor (Berlin); Florida 135, Fabrik, Row 14, La Riviera or Industrial Copera in Spain; Inox Club or La Villa Rouge in France;  Factory 010 and Depot in The Netherlands. Woodstock, Brancaleone or Cube in Italy… Fátima has travelled many countries as you can imagine: Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia, Ireland, Venezuela, Bulgaria, Croatia, Brazil, Colombia, Bosnia, Slovakia, among many others…

Her childlike spontaneity, explosive show and party feeling promise to continue breaking down boundaries.

                        Techno Set @ Eibisi Club (Granollers - Barcelona) 30 04 2016

                                                                          Gigs :


Sat 07 - Durbury Beats Factory - Techno Set - Durbury, Belgium
Sat 14 - Wow Music Club - Granada, Spain
Sat 21 - Depo Klub, Zagreb , Croatia
Sat 27 - My Face - Connect - Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
Sat 28 - One Beautiful Day Festival - Techno Set - Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain


Sat 19 - Amazing Summer Festival - Techno Set - Ciudad Real, Spain
Sat 24 - Le Scorp - Techno Set, Perpignan, France
Sat 25 - Awakenings Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sat 25 - 4Every1 Festival, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain


Sat 23 - Aquasella Festival, Arriondas, Asturias, Spain


Sat 06 - The End of the World Festival, Valls, Tarragona, Spain
Sat 13 - Dreambeach Festival - Villaricos, Almeria, Spain
Sat 20 - Decibel Outdoor Festival, Beekse Bergen, Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands

Da bi zabava bila upotpunjena i dostojna svjestkim kvalitetima osim Fatime Hajji imat cete priliku da poslusate i gošće iz Srbije i Hrvatske. Naravno svima su vec uveliko poznate KRISTINA LALIĆ & MISS SLAVE dame koje vec uveliko drmaju regionom,a i šire.

Miss Slave : 

Miss Slave (Slavica Čule) rodjena je 05.03.1991. u Mostaru. Od malih nogu je zaljubljenik u muziku. Djingom se počela baviti veoma rano, 2007. godine. Veoma brzo uspjeva se izboriti za mjesto resident DJ-a u lokalnom klubu medju mnoštvom DJ kolega suprotnog spola. U veoma kratkom roku dobiva angažmane po cijeloj BiH ali i po susjednim zemljama.

 Njen osnovni stil miksanja je house i techouse a setovi koji su perfektno umixani su ispunjeni vokalnim houseom, dinamičnim ritmovima i perkusijama. Dojmovi sa njenih partya su uvijek na visokom nivou. Već u svojim počecima stekla je brojna iskustva svirajući po mnogim eventovima i samim time veoma ravnopravno konkurirala medju svim svojim starijim kolegama. Od mnogih eventova na kojima je ucestvovala, izdvojila bi neka istaknuta imena; Oxia, Siniša Tamamović, Dejan Miličević, Kristina Lalić, Alen Milivojević, SPEEDY, Amir Groove... 2014.god sa prijateljicom i kolegicom DJ Marina Mimoza pokreće projekt pod nazivom „Warmhole“ koji je osmišljen kao koncept koji osnažuje, afirmira i povezuje dj-ice, vj-ice, producentice i umjetnice iz BiH i regije. Od pokretanja projekta pa do danas imale su par uspješnih gostovanja i suradnji sa DJ-icama iz regije. Trenutno živi u Zagrebu gdje i dalje slijedi svoju viziju i ideju osnaživanja elektronske i umjetničke scene, a takodjer i žensku snagu na cjeloukupnoj sceni.

                             Event je podržan od strane I LOVE MINIMAL TECHNO

                                                         ULAZNICA  : 15KM
BHClubbing News

BIHAĆ :Grad na UNI postaje Party destinacija!! SOUNDKEEPERS opet napada!!

Da se SOUNDKEEPRES - i nimalo ne šale govori primjer novog napada na samo jezgro grada.Nakon prošle zabave u njihovoj organizaciji pod nazivom "LADIES RAVE" ovoga puta za prave i odane ljubitelje elektronskog zvuka i obožavaoce TECHNO scene SOUNDKEEPERS-i u Club ADI 10 ni manje ni vishe dovode dobro poznatog Techno Mag-a ROBERTA TAUTENA ili više poznatog kao TKNO.

Nakon nekoliko uspiješmih zabava koje su priredili SOUNDKEEPERS ovoga puta je odlucio Bihaćku publiku upoznati sa ovim nevjerovatnim umjetnikom koji svoje obožavaoce svaki put ostavi bez daha.
TKNO je umjetnik, producent, DJ i vlasnik TAUTEN lejbla. Od 2002. ispoljava veliku ljubav prema elektronskoj glazbi i ugleda se na velikane poput Chris Liebing, Adam Beyer, Jeff Mills, Len Faki. Počeo je prikupljati vinile i pušta glazbu sa svojim najboljim drugom u najboljim lokalnim klubovima Uložio je puno truda da svoje DJ vještine dovede do vrhunca. Narednih godina je radio na nekolicini projekata: ReWire, Beatandjuice, Volt & Vintage, su samo neki od njih. 


Od 2013 pokren uo je vlastiti pod nazivom "TKNO" nalik glazbenom žanru TECHNO. Ovog puta je napravio korak više u produkciji. TKNO trake podržane i na plej listama mnogih svjetskih velikana DJing poput: Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Oxia, John 00 Fleming, Nick Warren ... Na kraju 2014 godine je pokrenuo vlastiti label pod nazivom "Tauten". TKNO je objavio za: Tauten, Yin Yang, Selected, Funk `N Deep, Italo Business, iamti, Datacode, Family Grooves 


          TKNO-Kalemegdan Summer Festival guest mix


DA će zabava biti odlicna kao i svaki put kada to SOUNDKEEPERs-i organizuju govori i to da će osim TKNO-a kao support DJs nastupiti i domacini koje svakako svi dobro poznajemo : 



I'm Denis Drazic, DJ & Producer from Bosnia & Hercegowina . My love for music started back in 2000, in the boom of electronic music in the region. The electronic wave was strong and I started mixing at the local clubs, making people dance and happy. I have always believed that awakening happiness in people by good music will one day result in opening spaces of Music & Love in me. I have published tracks on label like Ibiza Ibiza Records, Vamos Music, Check In Recordings etc. and have received support from respected DJs like Roger Sanchez, Eric Morrillo, Niki Bellucci, Alex Kenji and others. Now , I have traveled a lot a cross the Europe as mobile Dj , got a lot expirience and ready at any time to rise the crowd at high level.

Pored INIS-a i DENIS-a tu su jos i Fajkee i Omar Ramirez

BHClubbing News

ponedjeljak, 16. svibnja 2016.

BANJA LUKA : Fresh Wave Festival - Energie stage kompletiran ....

Nektar FreshWave Festival 2016 održaće se 4., 5. i 6. avgusta na prostornim kapacitetima banjalučke tvrđave Kastel!

Energie stejdž je bina koja je prošle godine okupila najveća regionalna DJ imena i izazvala veliku pažnju publike, nesumnjivo će i ove godine za mnoge posjetioce Nektar Freshwave Festivala biti omiljena!

Marshall Jefferson će na Nektar FreshWave Festivalu 2016. nastupiti u četvrtak, 4. avgusta, kao headliner Energie stejdža, a binu će dijeliti sa regionalnim DJ imenima: Wise D Kobe, Ana Nikolić, Mili Sefić, Mandarina, Danijel Kević!

Marshall Jefferson:


Wise D Kobe, Electro House DJ i producentski dvojac koji iza sebe ima 20-ak izdanja, a posljednje za sada, singl Hefter svjetlost dana je ugledalo početkom ovog mjeseca.

Wise D & Kobe joined forces in 2002, when they discovered that their tastes for music were very similar, they became the formidable DJ duo. Behind them is a huge clubbing experience produced by performances at famous clubs, festivals and organizing a large number of events. 
Thanks to education at the Higher Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Department for audio and video technology, along with performances they have dealt with the musical production that gains importance in March 2009, when their first House release of "Disco Zoo Records was released, under the name" Panther EP”. Shortly after they become a part of DISCO ZOO team led by Marko Milicevic - Gramophonedzie.
In the beginning of the 2010. the "Muzik X Press Records released track "The Good Life" that. just a few days later, made it to the Top lists of some of the leading online music stores like: Beatport, Juno, Traxsourse ...The song also picked up a number of sympathies of internationally recognized DJs and was spinning at some of the most prestigious events such as Sensation White, as well as in some of the world's leading clubs.
Their music can be found in the playlists of DJs such as: A-Trak, Robert Owens, Jamie Lewis, David Penn, David Tort, Tune Brothers, Gramophonedzie, Syke 'N' Sugarstar, Jesse Voorn, Erick E, DJ Dan, Mr. White, DJ Mes, Les Schmitz, DJ PP...

Their performances are characterized by huge energy carried by the people and the desire to always make great parties. They mix House, Funky, Disco & Tech-house. One of the characteristics of their sets is certainly that in the music they play there are no restrictions, so on their performances quality retro sound can be heard. Their music is definitely characterized by an awesome technique, which is the product of years of mixing experience and playing on three turntables.

Ana Nikolić, dobro poznata prvenstveno beogradskoj ali i regionalnoj publici, Ana Nikolić prolazila je kroz razne žanrove, od progressive i tech house pa preko techno, electro, minimal, a današnji setovi su mješavina svih tih pravaca inteligentno upakovanih u tečan i tehnički savršen mix. 

was born in Belgrade in 1979, where she still lives and enjoys herself. After many years of clubbing and making association with her coworkers from the world of music and DJ-ing, it was natural for her to lift her love for music to a higher position and embark on DJ-ing. Thanks to her resolute practice in ’Groove Inn’ record shop, after short time, Ana gained enviable working technique with vinyl records; shortly afterwards, together with technology progress there came inevitable switch to CD players.After her first successful appearance in the legendary club of Mamolo in 2005, engagements for performances in numerous Belgrade night clubs followed- Underground, Cvijeta, Exile, Namaste, Bordel, Electrica, Energy etc.- as well as visiting performances all over Serbia, EXIT Festival in Novi Sad and abroad. Her first job residence was in DJ ŠKD bar in 2007/2008 and during the 2008/2009 season DJ Witchy joined her and two of them triggered ‘Girly Nights’ Sundays serial of a cult that broke prejudice against regularly repetitious end of weekends. Ana has been cooperating with countless household DJs and the summit and recognition of her current career was an introduction set she was given before performance of well-known Terry Francis.
Throughout Ana’s musical maturity she was going through different directions- from progressive and techno house to techno, electra, and minimal house- thus, the current set is the mixture of previously mentioned directions that were intelligently packed into fluent and technically perfect mix.
Owing to her charismatic appearance, the honest smile and distinctive ’female touch’ her sets abounds with dynamic and emotions and consequently her audience feel close and in touch with the performing artist.

Mili Sefić, rođen u Čikagu, USA ali čest gost na prostoru Balkana, ovaj deep house i house DJ izvođač po prvi put predstaviće se publici Nektar FreshWave Festivala. Sudeći po bogatoj karijeri koja traje više od 10 godina i u okviru koje je zabilježio nastupe sa velikanima poput Sasha, John Digweed, Lee Burrige, Danny Howells nemamo izbora nego da sa uzbuđenjem očekujemo njegov set! 

As his musical roots began in the cradle of house music, Mili quickly built up his reputation as one of Chicago’s top deep and tech house DJs. He shared the decks with many well know artists such as Sasha, John Digweed, Lee Burrige, Danny Howells and performed at big events across North America such as the WMC Miami, Intense Festival in Quebec and the first American Love parade in San Francisco in 2004. Recently, Mili has been very busy with appearances in top venues across Europe in Vienna, Amsterdam, Sarajevo, Belgrade, etc. Along with releases on Laus Music from London, Mili has released his music on Jay Tripwire’s Tonality Records and his future holds a continued musical expression while spreading love and friendship through electronic beats.

"Since Aristotle, man has organized his knowledge vertically in separate and unrelated groups---Science, Religion, Sex, Relaxation, Work, etc. The main emphasis in his language, his system of storing knowledge, has been on the identification of objects rather than on the relationships between objects. He is now forced to use his tools or reasoning separately and for one situation at a time. Had man been able to see past this hypnotic way of thinking, to distrust it (as did Einstein), and to resystematize his knowledge so that it would all be related horizontally, he would now enjoy the perfect sanity which comes from being able to deal with his life in its entirety. It is possible for Man to alter his mental state and thus alter his point of view (that is, his own basic relation with the outside world which determines how he stores his information). He then can restructure his thinking and change his language so that his thoughts bear more relation to his life and his problems, therefore approaching them more sanely."


Mandarina, DJ iz Beograda, Nikola Stefanovic jedan je od predstavnika novog talasa izvođača elektronske muzike. Preferira house zvuk u kombinaciji sa drugim podžanrovima deep house, techhouse...

Danijel Kević, dolazi iz Prijedora, BiH i definitivno je jedan od izvođača sa potencijalom da gradi i izgrađuje elektronsku scenu u BiH! Preferira nešto tvrđi zvuk ali u posljednje vrijeme oduševljava setovima Chicago House zvuka, što svakako možemo očekivati od njegovog nastupa na Nektar FreshWave Festivalu2016. 


Nektar FreshWave PROMO PARTY

Kao što je i najavljeno ovogodišnju kampanju 5. jubilarnog izdanja FreshWave Festivala obilježiće i serijal zabava Nektar FreshWave PROMO PARTY! Nakon uspješno održane prve zabave u Banjalučkom KSB u martu ove godine kada je nastupio veliki prijatelj festivala Mike Valo, FWF PROMO karavan seli se u klub Marco Polo u Goricu u Sloveniji, a tom prilikom nastupiće Resident DJ FWF Joma Maja! 

BHClubbing News