ponedjeljak, 16. svibnja 2016.

BANJA LUKA : Fresh Wave Festival - Energie stage kompletiran ....

Nektar FreshWave Festival 2016 održaće se 4., 5. i 6. avgusta na prostornim kapacitetima banjalučke tvrđave Kastel!

Energie stejdž je bina koja je prošle godine okupila najveća regionalna DJ imena i izazvala veliku pažnju publike, nesumnjivo će i ove godine za mnoge posjetioce Nektar Freshwave Festivala biti omiljena!

Marshall Jefferson će na Nektar FreshWave Festivalu 2016. nastupiti u četvrtak, 4. avgusta, kao headliner Energie stejdža, a binu će dijeliti sa regionalnim DJ imenima: Wise D Kobe, Ana Nikolić, Mili Sefić, Mandarina, Danijel Kević!

Marshall Jefferson:


Wise D Kobe, Electro House DJ i producentski dvojac koji iza sebe ima 20-ak izdanja, a posljednje za sada, singl Hefter svjetlost dana je ugledalo početkom ovog mjeseca.

Wise D & Kobe joined forces in 2002, when they discovered that their tastes for music were very similar, they became the formidable DJ duo. Behind them is a huge clubbing experience produced by performances at famous clubs, festivals and organizing a large number of events. 
Thanks to education at the Higher Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Department for audio and video technology, along with performances they have dealt with the musical production that gains importance in March 2009, when their first House release of "Disco Zoo Records was released, under the name" Panther EP”. Shortly after they become a part of DISCO ZOO team led by Marko Milicevic - Gramophonedzie.
In the beginning of the 2010. the "Muzik X Press Records released track "The Good Life" that. just a few days later, made it to the Top lists of some of the leading online music stores like: Beatport, Juno, Traxsourse ...The song also picked up a number of sympathies of internationally recognized DJs and was spinning at some of the most prestigious events such as Sensation White, as well as in some of the world's leading clubs.
Their music can be found in the playlists of DJs such as: A-Trak, Robert Owens, Jamie Lewis, David Penn, David Tort, Tune Brothers, Gramophonedzie, Syke 'N' Sugarstar, Jesse Voorn, Erick E, DJ Dan, Mr. White, DJ Mes, Les Schmitz, DJ PP...

Their performances are characterized by huge energy carried by the people and the desire to always make great parties. They mix House, Funky, Disco & Tech-house. One of the characteristics of their sets is certainly that in the music they play there are no restrictions, so on their performances quality retro sound can be heard. Their music is definitely characterized by an awesome technique, which is the product of years of mixing experience and playing on three turntables.

Ana Nikolić, dobro poznata prvenstveno beogradskoj ali i regionalnoj publici, Ana Nikolić prolazila je kroz razne žanrove, od progressive i tech house pa preko techno, electro, minimal, a današnji setovi su mješavina svih tih pravaca inteligentno upakovanih u tečan i tehnički savršen mix. 

was born in Belgrade in 1979, where she still lives and enjoys herself. After many years of clubbing and making association with her coworkers from the world of music and DJ-ing, it was natural for her to lift her love for music to a higher position and embark on DJ-ing. Thanks to her resolute practice in ’Groove Inn’ record shop, after short time, Ana gained enviable working technique with vinyl records; shortly afterwards, together with technology progress there came inevitable switch to CD players.After her first successful appearance in the legendary club of Mamolo in 2005, engagements for performances in numerous Belgrade night clubs followed- Underground, Cvijeta, Exile, Namaste, Bordel, Electrica, Energy etc.- as well as visiting performances all over Serbia, EXIT Festival in Novi Sad and abroad. Her first job residence was in DJ ŠKD bar in 2007/2008 and during the 2008/2009 season DJ Witchy joined her and two of them triggered ‘Girly Nights’ Sundays serial of a cult that broke prejudice against regularly repetitious end of weekends. Ana has been cooperating with countless household DJs and the summit and recognition of her current career was an introduction set she was given before performance of well-known Terry Francis.
Throughout Ana’s musical maturity she was going through different directions- from progressive and techno house to techno, electra, and minimal house- thus, the current set is the mixture of previously mentioned directions that were intelligently packed into fluent and technically perfect mix.
Owing to her charismatic appearance, the honest smile and distinctive ’female touch’ her sets abounds with dynamic and emotions and consequently her audience feel close and in touch with the performing artist.

Mili Sefić, rođen u Čikagu, USA ali čest gost na prostoru Balkana, ovaj deep house i house DJ izvođač po prvi put predstaviće se publici Nektar FreshWave Festivala. Sudeći po bogatoj karijeri koja traje više od 10 godina i u okviru koje je zabilježio nastupe sa velikanima poput Sasha, John Digweed, Lee Burrige, Danny Howells nemamo izbora nego da sa uzbuđenjem očekujemo njegov set! 

As his musical roots began in the cradle of house music, Mili quickly built up his reputation as one of Chicago’s top deep and tech house DJs. He shared the decks with many well know artists such as Sasha, John Digweed, Lee Burrige, Danny Howells and performed at big events across North America such as the WMC Miami, Intense Festival in Quebec and the first American Love parade in San Francisco in 2004. Recently, Mili has been very busy with appearances in top venues across Europe in Vienna, Amsterdam, Sarajevo, Belgrade, etc. Along with releases on Laus Music from London, Mili has released his music on Jay Tripwire’s Tonality Records and his future holds a continued musical expression while spreading love and friendship through electronic beats.

"Since Aristotle, man has organized his knowledge vertically in separate and unrelated groups---Science, Religion, Sex, Relaxation, Work, etc. The main emphasis in his language, his system of storing knowledge, has been on the identification of objects rather than on the relationships between objects. He is now forced to use his tools or reasoning separately and for one situation at a time. Had man been able to see past this hypnotic way of thinking, to distrust it (as did Einstein), and to resystematize his knowledge so that it would all be related horizontally, he would now enjoy the perfect sanity which comes from being able to deal with his life in its entirety. It is possible for Man to alter his mental state and thus alter his point of view (that is, his own basic relation with the outside world which determines how he stores his information). He then can restructure his thinking and change his language so that his thoughts bear more relation to his life and his problems, therefore approaching them more sanely."


Mandarina, DJ iz Beograda, Nikola Stefanovic jedan je od predstavnika novog talasa izvođača elektronske muzike. Preferira house zvuk u kombinaciji sa drugim podžanrovima deep house, techhouse...

Danijel Kević, dolazi iz Prijedora, BiH i definitivno je jedan od izvođača sa potencijalom da gradi i izgrađuje elektronsku scenu u BiH! Preferira nešto tvrđi zvuk ali u posljednje vrijeme oduševljava setovima Chicago House zvuka, što svakako možemo očekivati od njegovog nastupa na Nektar FreshWave Festivalu2016. 


Nektar FreshWave PROMO PARTY

Kao što je i najavljeno ovogodišnju kampanju 5. jubilarnog izdanja FreshWave Festivala obilježiće i serijal zabava Nektar FreshWave PROMO PARTY! Nakon uspješno održane prve zabave u Banjalučkom KSB u martu ove godine kada je nastupio veliki prijatelj festivala Mike Valo, FWF PROMO karavan seli se u klub Marco Polo u Goricu u Sloveniji, a tom prilikom nastupiće Resident DJ FWF Joma Maja! 

BHClubbing News

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